The Sixth Column
Special Operations Corp.
7 Nov 2011
Top Secret Report FOR KOMTUR DERIK "Nacht Killa" UZZANO
1. Alliances. The Sixth Cohesion stands up as a Civilian organized mercenary group with no base rank structure. Their coordination with The Sixth Column has improved in recent months. A quick alliance that may still require constant direction and observation.
2. Enemies. The 5th Column has returned and continues to be a primary threat to the safety of Paragon City and the planet. The Council remains a constant threat in our efforts to restore peace in Paragon City. They remain an obstacle in both The 5th Column and The Sixth Column's war.
3. Observe. Currently there are a number of continuous enemies rising up to challenge The Sixth Column and almost an unlimited amount of potential Allies for The Sixth Column to organize with. The Sixth Column's Special Operations Corp, Espionage and Internal Affairs Divisions will be required to keep The Sixth Column's needs at heart.
Nacht Reaper, Special Agent, The Sixth Column
Espionage Division